Technical Overview
RT Software Systems maintains a state of the art data center. We are not resellers - we occupy, wholly own and independently operate our Brick and Mortar facility in Berkley, Michigan. And it is Brick and Mortar - thick, sturdy, just as you might imagine. Nothing about our building construction is thin or flimsy.
  • We are Carrier Neutral and maintain multiple high density Copper and Fiber Facilities Connections to Tier 1 Internet providers.
  • Standard Copper and High Bandwidth Fiber Internet Connections, as well as the ability for clients to terminate their own circuits in our facilities, if desired. This could allow for additional customer confidence, or certifications related to GLBA (Gramm-Leach Bliley Act) HIPAA, SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley), PCI (Payment Card Industry) and other regulatory requirements, for example having your own circuit plugged in to your own firewall locked in your own cabinet space essentially allows you to have a "private branch office" from a data and connectivity perspective, yet still leverage our significant facilities investments instead of making those investments at your location
  • Our Data Center is located well above the FEMA 100 Year Flood Plain and in a zone where the likelihood of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, coastal storms, tsunamis, volcano eruptions and other major weather events is statistically very low. Since our formation in 1997, we have been fortunate enough to have watched these weather events on the news, and not from our front door. We are 686 feet above sea level and we are approximately 650 miles inland from the Atlantic ocean at its closest point. Link to Berkley GPS Info Here. Berkley coordinates are 42° 30′ 11″ N, 83° 11′ 1″ W (42.503056, -83.183611)
  • 24/7/365 Video Site Monitoring, Remotely Accessible to each client
  • Computerized "Two Factor" Access Control (something you have, a keyfob, and something you know, an access code) to the common area, data center area and CPE (Customer Premises Equipment.) All entry and exit activity is recorded and audited
  • Redundant Network Connectivity
  • Redundant Firewall, Routing, Switching and Monitoring Equipment
  • Redundant N+1 UPS Power Delivery. RT has three large live UPS busses (A,B,C) and maintains two warm backups in the building for high power redundancy
  • Secure, indoor, roof mounted, 100Kw, vibration isolated, natural gas, Standby Power Generator with full, automatic building load cutover. All loads, including cooling, are covered
  • Redundant N+2 HVAC cooling systems. Raised Flooring subsystem is "air only" - no cabling, piping or other facility systems exist in the air space under the floor panels
  • All power delivery and data delivery is done from overhead, originating from different raceways that maintain 12 inches of separation for minimal crosstalk and interference from the power grid
  • Remotely Accessible Uptime Monitoring Systems
Environmental Specifications

RT Software Systems strives every day to be an environmentally responsible corporate citizen of Mother Earth. We are particularly sensitive to how a computer company such as ours can impact the environment and how our actions affect the quality of life in our community and the larger community of Earth.
When we set about to create our Data Center, we started by making use of a wonderful, sturdy, existing structure instead of building a new structure. Then, wherever it was possible to use reclaimed materials without sacrificing one iota of performance or functionality, we enthusiastically did so. It only makes sense! We are major proponents of the "Reduce, Reuse, Recycle" concept and the data center is a result of our efforts. See our Customer Visit Guidelines for more details about our facility procedures.
There is an organization that sets the standard for Green Building. We suggest you visit this site for more information: The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System™ is the nationally accepted benchmark for the design, construction, and operation of high performance green buildings. Their system focuses on:
  • whole-building cleaning and maintenance issues including chemical use
  • ongoing indoor air quality
  • energy efficiency
  • water efficiency
  • recycling programs and facilities
  • exterior maintenance programs, and
  • systems upgrades to meet green building energy, water, IAQ, and lighting performance standards
Where possible and practical, RT Software Systems has and will continue to develop and maintain an operation that focuses on these areas. We seek to have a minimal impact on the environment.

Copyright 2007, RT Software Systems, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. Last Updated June 7th, 2010