Customer Visit Guidelines
  1. RT maintains a facility-wide 100% shredded documentation status. If your visit generates refuse, we ask that you use our shredding station to destroy unwanted documents, Floppy Disk and Compact Disc media. If you would rather not destroy your refuse on site for security reasons, we ask that you do not discard it on site and instead take it with you at the end of your visit. Under no circumstances should you discard it on site without destroying it.
  2. If you generate waste metals and/or plastics (old parts, plastic pop bottles, etc.), we ask that you deposit them in the appropriate recycling bins.
  3. RT maintains a small kitchen facility and discourages the use of paper and plastic products for eating and drinking due to the impact those materials have on land fill. Please feel free to use the provided glassware and silverware, and leave it in the dishwasher when finished. We strive to produce a minimum of refuse and the use of our facilities will go a long way toward reducing our facility output. You are welcome to any refreshments that you locate in our common kitchen area.
  4. The RT Software Hosting Building is a closely monitored, temperature and humidity controlled environment, and the Data Center areas of the facility are ABSOLUTELY OFF LIMITS for all liquids and organics due to the extremely sensitive and expensive nature of the devices in play. Please do not bring any food or drink into any Data Center area. Please understand if we ask you to immediately remove any materials brought into those areas in violation of the policy. If any materials are discovered, they will be removed and discarded immediately.
  5. Although we certainly do not object to those individuals who smoke, the entire Data Center Facilities are off limits to all forms of smoking and to all use of any form of tobacco product. This is due to community health concerns, and for appropriate protection of the sensitive equipment and ventilation systems in use on site. Additionally, the State of Michigan passed a law effective May 1st, 2010 which prohibits smoking in all public and private business structures such as the RT Data Center.
  6. As a customer you are granted 24/7/365 access to the facility. If you are on site we ask that you do not grant access to anybody else who is not your guest and who is asking to be allowed in. Each customer has a method of access and an alternate method of contacting us for authorized entry.
  7. All power distribution, alarm, video, monitoring and ventilation systems and controls are strictly off limits. If you are on site and need to gain access to or adjust any of these shared systems you are required to contact us for assistance.
  8. The facility is equipped with three-phase four-wire, 120/240-volt delta service. As such, there are separate phases of 120 volt power (with each cabinet on only one of the phases @120v in order to keep all interconnected equipment in phase), along with a 240 volt phase with service outlets located throughout the Data Center area. All outlets are clearly marked, and we ask that you exercise extra caution if you are working on a project and need to plug equipment into any power source. If you plug equipment into an outlet that does not match the required power, you may damage or destroy the equipment and cause harm to the facility.
  9. We ask that you immediately report any problems or concerns if you have issues while on site.

Copyright 2009, RT Software Systems, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. Last Updated May 5th, 2010